The future of education is and its name is Upper Peninsula Virtual Academy (UPVA).
UPVA is a Michigan public school offering online courses to all UP students in grades K-12. Students can enroll as a part-time or full-time student with Gladstone Area Schools or Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw through the Schools of Choice program.
Online courses provide students the flexibility to work anywhere and anytime that works for them. Courses taken through UPVA are no cost to the families, up to 12 courses per student per year. Each online course has a content expert teacher to assist students. Students will also be assigned a local mentor teacher who will have regular contact with the student, and monitor their progress and grades. Full-time students must take the state assessment tests, and can earn a Michigan high school diploma.
We have designed our school to strengthen and expand the entire educational experience. By taking a purposeful high-tech/high-touch approach, we gain all the advantages of the latest technology, combined with the proven individualized attention provided by our exceptional educators.
Our vision is to connect with, validate, and serve those families with school age students in the UP. At its core, UPVA is based on relationships. We believe that the power of our relationships is in the quality of the interactions we create. By inspiring, nurturing, motivating, and empowering, we not only strengthen our current relationships, but we also expand our reach and broaden our touch.
UPVA is much more than online coursework. It is the relationship-building portal that will bring all of our individual UP students together for the benefit of the entire community.
In addition to the exceptional academics accessible through UPVA, we believe the educational experience must also include aspects of creativity, inspiration, curiosity, and discovery... while at the same time instilling confidence, empathy, character, responsibility, and independence.
UP Virtual Academy has what you've been looking for... an individualized, flexible, personal, and completely portable educational experience.
Please let us know if you would like more information, have questions or suggestions, or are ready to be part of UP-wide relationship for learning.