English Language Arts 1 focuses on developing reading, writing, spelling, speaking, and listening skills. In this course, students begin to understand that spoken and written language can be broken into phonemes. They use rhyming, blending, and segmenting to develop the foundation needed to become an emergent reader. Students read prose, poetry, and informational texts for comprehension. They learn to interpret the ways in which stories and poems appeal to the senses and to identify the main topic and key ideas within texts. Students increase their vocabulary by learning to use morphemic and contextual analysis to determine the meaning of unknown words. Students learn to spell new words using various spelling rules. In English Language Arts 1, students hone their writing skills by practicing grammar rules for noun usage, personal possessive and indefinite pronouns, verb tenses, capitalization, commas, and end punctuation. In doing so, they learn to produce and expand sentences and to write opinion pieces, informational pieces, and narratives. This year, students begin learning how to research information and how to use their research to answer questions. They identify and use various parts of a book, such as headings and the table of contents. They also use digital tools to publish their writing.
Math 100
In Mathematics 1, students begin to learn mathematics in a more formal way. They focus on rote counting to 120 and practice reading and writing these numbers. In addition to strengthening their addition and subtraction skills, they compare two-digit numbers using place values and the comparison symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. Students measure lengths and use measurements to compare the lengths of multiple objects using nonstandard measuring and units. They strengthen their geometry skills by drawing two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and they explore fractions by dividing those shapes into halves and quarters. Students also organize, represent, and interpret data in pictures, tables, and charts. Additionally, they tell and write times in hours and half-hours.
Science 100
Science 1 extends students’ exploration of the natural world. Along the way, they practice making predictions and observations, experimenting, and using scientific tools and problem-solving skills. Students investigate ecosystems and habitats, identifying the five basic needs of all living things, the importance of natural resources, and the interactions of human beings and the environment. They examine the agricultural system and its products and by-products. This course also introduces the water cycle and the Earth as a body in space. Students observe matter and describe its properties and states, and they discover the properties of light and sound. Study of force and motion enable them to define the terms and explain the effect of different amounts of force and also how moving objects stop. Finally, students develop their ability to distinguish fact from opinion and recognize the relation of cause and effect.
Social Studies 100
Social Studies 1 leads students beyond their local community to consider their place in their state, the nation, and the world. They explore the function and characteristics of government in the United States, including the role of rules and laws and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Students also learn how to ask questions and gather information to understand history. The course focuses on developing students’ knowledge of the interplay between the physical world and human societies, as they learn basic geography skills, such as map reading, and examine the impact of the environment on how and where people live and how regional variations drive trade in both goods and services. Finally, students build their understanding of good citizenship by identifying ways to contribute to the community and avoid conflict and by interacting respectfully with others.
Art 100
In Art 1, students explore the roles of both groups of people. Students learn how daily life can be used as inspiration, and how it can be depicted through artwork. They categorize artworks according to the subject matter each is portraying. Additionally, students learn to recognize the elements of art and the principles of design, and they rate artwork. Students explore the ways in which artwork is created outside of the school setting, and they discover that art is made for different reasons. As practicing artists, students will develop their art vocabulary, art understanding, and artistic skills as they work through prompts supplied in the course.
Music 100
In Music 1, students are introduced to music fundamentals such as solfège, rhythms, dynamics, meter, instrument families, and dance forms. Each topic is presented through the use of music and movement activities that include reading, singing, dancing, and writing. Students improvise original rhythmic compositions. They sing using various forms of musical expression and dance. They learn and practice proper stage and performance etiquette techniques, and they explore the ways in which music and dance work together to create specific dance forms. Students also learn about American composers whose music has influenced the American society.